British Library's Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) Programme

As a small publisher or self-publisher, you may want to enclude your book title information into British Library's Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) Programme, which appears as a statement printed on the title page verso:

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

CIP Programme provides records of new and forthcoming books in advance of publication. It serves publishers as a bridge to the library book buying market.

The British Library contracts the administration of the CIP Programme and the creation of records to Bibliographic Data Services Limited (BDS) which is an independent, privately-owned company.

BDS gathers information from publishers on new and forthcoming books. Publishers can use a pre-printed forms to send in book information or can submit the title information form online.

Typical CIP record details include author, title and publisher, projected date of publication, pagination, ISBN and price.

BDS offers its services free to publishers.

Publishers in the United Kingdom have a legal obligation to send one copy of each of their publications to the Legal Deposit Office of the British Library within one month of publication.

More information:

For CIP Data:

For Legal Deposit: