Wireless Response System (WRS)


Wireless Response System (WRS)

WRS无线响应系统简单的来说是一个学生响应系统(SRS, Student Response System), 或者是投票系统(Voting System)。


Simple, friendly, and easy to use


该系统由哈德斯菲尔德大学计算机和工程学院的XDIR研究小组(XML, Database 和Information)研发。


Contact Info

XDIR Research Group

University of Huddersfield

Contact Info: j.lu@hud.ac.uk



About Copyrights

Before you install and use WRS, please send a brief document to Prof J. Lu (j.lu@hud.ac.uk) to state which institute, what position and what purpose for using the software as university's records. If you have any problem, please feel free to let us know.


一个概念 —— 这是学生和教师之间的交互响应

一个软件 —— 它基于互联网并有多语言支持,可以随时随地运行

一组技术 —— 它集成了先进的网络技术和移动计算

一个更加简单培训工具 —— 在广泛的学科应用中,它致力于使我们的生活变得更轻松

一个教学领域的应用软件 —— 它可用于不同的学习理论

Wireless Response System

A concept – It is responsive between learners and trainers

A piece of software – It can be running anywhere and anytime – Internet based and multilingual supported

A set of technologies – It integrates advanced web technology and mobile computing

A simpler of training tool – It is dedicated to the use that makes life easier in a wide range of subject areas

An Application for pedagogical domain – It can be used for different learning theories


    1. 它可以通过活动、工作、协作、意见、问题等方式辅助学习
    2. 它是一个不依赖于具体学科的系统
    3. 设备要求上,教师可以使用个人电脑或者苹果机(PC/MAC),学生可以使用任何无线(Wi-Fi)和互联网连接的设备,比如手机、平板电脑等

What WRS can do

    1. Learning based on:
    • Activities
    • Work
    • Collaboration
    • Opinions
    • Problems
    1. Subject areas
    • It is a subject independent system
    1. Facilities
    • Teacher can use PC/MAC
    • Students can use their own phones with Wi-Fi and Internet connection.


    1. 教师发起投票
    2. 学生响应投票
    3. 分布式的投票结果显示在屏幕上
    4. 数据会被自动采集和储存
    5. 所有页面都通过互联网交互进行
    6. 集成了声音、定时、暂停等功能

What WRS is doing

    1. Teacher initiates the vote
    2. Students response the vote
    3. Distributed results can be displayed on the screen
    4. Data will be collected and stored automatically
    5. All pages are Internet interactive
    6. The effects of audio, timer and pause are integrated


    1. 安装WRS系统,WRS基于Adobe Air平台,你可能需要先下载安装Adobe Air。系统下载地址: http://xdir.hud.ac.uk/hud/testing/wrs-teacher/
    2. 教师注册账号,提供用户名、学科ID和密码,等等
    3. 教师使用用户名和密码登录后,系统会自动关联到你注册时提供的学科ID,然后你开始选择问题类型,填写文本,也可以提供图片或视频资料,然后按“开始”按钮
    4. 问题回答完毕后,结果会自动显示,选择不同的方式显示,如饼图,条形图,柱形图,等等
    5. 教师判定回答正确或错误
    6. 点击“退出”按钮退出系统

What teacher will do

    1. Login with your own username and password
    2. You will get the discipline ID automatically. Then choose a question type, add text, image, or video to question if necessary, then press start sign.
    3. Question finished, results are automatically displayed.
    4. Show results in different types.
    5. Teacher decides which answer is correct.
    6. Search history results.
    7. Finally, to exit the system, click “exit” button.


    1. 学生通过网络浏览器进入系统, http://xdir.hud.ac.uk/hud/testing/wrs,填写学科和姓名(选填),可以使用任何手提设备,比如iPad、iPod触屏、平板电脑、智能手机、笔记本电脑甚至是有互联网连接的台式电脑
    2. 等待老师开始

What students will do?

    1. Access the system with your web browser.


Input the session code and your id (optional) to join in the session.

Any portable devices can be used, such as iPad, iPod touch, tablets, laptop, Smartphones, even a PC with Internet connections.

    1. Wait for teacher to start.