The Fox Borrows The Tigers Fierceness

The fox represents those who bully others by using their powerful connections.

One day, a tiger caught a fox in the forest and wanted to eat it. However, the canny fox told the tiger, "I have been sent to the forest on a mission to the animals." The tiger, noting the small stature of the fox, asked himself, "How can the fox possibly benefit the animals?" He could not believe it. The fox told him, "If you do not believe me, then follow me to the forest. You will see whether or not all the beasts fear me." The tiger agreed and followed on the heels of the fox. As soon as they noticed the tiger approaching, the beasts of the forest became terrified and ran away. Pleased with himself, the fox said confidently to the tiger, "Look! Who is not afraid of me?" The tiger replied, "Yes, your bearing is indeed majestic. As soon as they noticed you, they immediately fled." The tiger believed what the fox told him, unaware that the beasts were fleeing the tiger himself and not the fox marching before him.

The fox represents those who bully others by using their powerful connections.